Remixing The Art of Social Change Conference
Rap Laureate & Teach-in
The Remixing the Art of Social Change Conference: A Hip-Hop Approach teach-in is designed to share the tools and resources necessary to develop curriculum, programs, and work (artistic and scholarly) based on hip-hop culture.
The teach-in will also address how to retain and attract high caliber hip-hop artists and build sustainable organizations. Our field is made up of organizations that use hip-hop culture to promote social change and push the envelope of what hip-hop culture can produce artistically, academically, politically and socially.
The presenters at Remixing the Art of Social Change are the artists and educators who never gave up on hip-hop and are still actively working through it to promote love, peace, unity and having fun.
The teach-in is for people who move beyond hip-hop as a purely aesthetic art and see it as a vehicle to build organizations and to educate youth and families along with their communities through the arts. Words Beats & Life, Inc. (WBL) is spearheading the move to the next stage of our field’s development by creating a strategic development plan for excellence, scale, and sustainability to strengthen the network of hip-hop based youth-serving organizations.
This process is being initiated through a teach-in called “Remixing the Art of Social Change: A Hip-Hop Approach,” and a series of subsequent gatherings of board members, youth, front line staff and Executive Directors of hip-hop based organizations and programs.