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The PayPal community is global and this fund provides an opportunity for it to be philanthropic.

When you make a donation in support of Words Beats and Life with the PayPal Giving Fund, you can rest assured that your full donation amount will be given in support of our organization. PayPal Giving Fund also allows you to add a $1 to any payment you make through PayPal. 

Funds raised through this platform will be used to advance programming for Arts Education, Creative Employment, Cultural Diplomacy, Centering Marginalized Voices, and Hip-Hop Culture.


How do I sign-up?

Click here to set Words Beats and Life as your favorite charity.

How do I make a donation?

Once you make Words Beats & Life your favorite charity, you can give in two ways:

  1. You can make a fee free donation whenever you visit the Words Beats & Life PayPal Giving Fund charity page.

  2. Choose to add a $1 donation when you process any payment through PayPal.

Will I receive a tax receipt for my donation?

Yes. PayPal will send you a tax receipt for every donation made to Word Beats & Life.