Flex Matthews - Photographer

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Flex Mathews also know Dathan L. Harbor who has spent most of his life being an rap artist/MC started working at WBL in 2010 as an MC instructor (Rap Teacher and or mentor). In 2016 he purchased his camera with money he earned from a Congo Sanchez tour and has never looked back. While rapping still remains his first love, photography is definitely creeping on the come up allowing him to create art from a different perspective. A perspective where he is not always in the forefront. Now as he adventures down the path of being the new Lead Photographer/ Content Creator for Word Beats & Life the anxiety the surrounds him is almost palpable. Up for any challenge pertaining to art, he'll never back down, and is excited to go head up with the bull that is presented in front of him. He loves creating art and that is sure to show in the months to come.