Celebrate Black August with us!
In this time of celebrating various communities important to American history, we have chosen to participate for the first time in an important month in Black radical traditions. Black August is a time to celebrate resistance and rebellion in Black communities in the United States.
Black August originated in the California prison system to honor fallen Freedom Fighters, Jonathan Jackson, George Jackson, William Christmas, James McClain, and Khatari Gaulden. It is a time dedicated to a few things - to politically educate yourself about Black radical history, accomplishments, and figures. Some of that history includes the lives, work, and incarceration of Black political prisoners. Our connection to this history is a recognition that the early Hip-Hop community literally were the children of the civil rights generation and the Black Power generation. The influence of both is not equally known or celebrated. To that end, we want to share some history, music, and important figures to help our community learn more about the contributions of the Black Power generation.
Secondarily, as part of Black August, we want to encourage our community to read books connected to this history, watch films, and consider fasting. We will share the suggested reading on our IG account and have a Spotify takeover by Dr. Jared Ball with suggested listening.
A conscious fast from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm or other personal sacrifices can be made. The sundown meal is traditionally shared whenever possible among friends with whom you are working in solidarity. On the final day of August, a feast is held and the fast is broken. This is clearly part of the influence of the Muslim community on incarcerated Black radical communities. This fast though is not religious. It is about a shared sacrifice and an active protest for the incarcerated.