Jovanna Deluna | Multi-medium visual art

Hey there. My name is Jovanna Deluna, but you can call me Joy. I'm an unconventional abstract artist from New York City. I have A.A.S. and B.A. in Graphic Design. Art has been the sole motivator in my life, whether it was refurbishing furniture with my mom as a kid or slapping stickers throughout the city to leave a positive message. 

Since 2018, I've collaborated with Fantasy and Color to host independent art shows, paint and sips and artist flee markets throughout the city of New York. A freelance graphic designer by trade, I create illustrations for single covers and logos for small businesses. To street artist by night with various murals through out the East coast. 

I truly believe in the impact the arts play in our daily lives and feel we all just need a little bit of acknowledgment. As a teaching artist at the Words Beats & Life Academy. I am looking forward to embracing my students’ creativity, all while teaching them different methods of expressing themselves with art.